End User License Agreement (EULA)
1 → Subject of license agreement
The subject of this license agreement between the author and the end user is to provide the end user with a non-exclusive right to use the typeface produced under the Sudetype brand and embedded in the OTF, WOFF or WOFF2 file formats (hereinafter referred to as the ’font’), i.e. the right to use the font properly.
The author of the typeface, unless otherwise noted, is Dr. Jiří Toman (Slavíčkova 69/8, Liberec III-Jeřáb, Czech Republic), producing fonts under the Sudetype brand (vendor ID: Sdtp).
The authorized user of the font is a natural (see paragraph 2.2) or legal entity (see paragraph 2.3) person who uses the font to create printed, electronic and other materials based on a valid license to use the font (see paragraph 2.1).
By installing and/or using the font, the user undertakes to comply with the conditions contained in this agreement. If the user does not agree with these terms, he is not authorized to install or use the font.
2 → Grant of license
By properly purchasing the font, a time-limited, non-exclusive license to use it is provided, under the conditions set forth in this license agreement. The license applies only to styles for which a license has been granted, i.e. whose fonts have been properly purchased by the user.
If a font license is granted to a natural person, only this natural person is the authorized user of the font; it is expressly forbidden to transfer the license to third parties without the consent of the author. If a multi-user license is granted, the buyer undertakes to ensure that the fonts received are not used by more individuals than the number for which the license was granted.
If a font license is granted to a legal entity, the authorized user of the font is any natural person who carries out their activities on the basis of an assignment and for the benefit of the given legal entity and is in a valid employment relationship with it. The maximum number of simultaneous font users is equal to the number of users for whom the font is licensed.
3 → Installing the font(s)
The user can install and use the font on any number of computers and other devices, provided they are operated by a person authorized to use the font. The user undertakes to ensure that there is no unauthorized use of the font on computers and devices on which he has installed the font, and bears full responsibility for such unauthorized use.
4 → Copying the font(s)
The user may copy the font(s) to any number of storage media, but only for personal use. It is always absolutely necessary to attach a file with the full text of this license agreement, and the maker of the copy undertakes to adequately protect the font on storage media against unauthorized use by outsiders.
The user may not provide a copy of the font to a third party, even if the latter uses it for or on behalf of the user. A third party may receive a copy of the font from the user only if it is itself authorized to use the font and has demonstrably informed the user of this.
Importing the font into electronic documents is allowed only in secure mode (read only). The user of the license to use the font must ensure that the recipients of the electronic documents cannot extract the font from those documents or use the established font to adapt or to create new documents.
5 → Manipulation with the font(s)
The typeface in the embedded font file is protected by the copyright law.
The font may be converted and installed by the licensee in another format for use in other means only under the conditions defined in this agreement (in particular with regard to paragraph 5.4), and the font thus converted may not be further distributed.
The licensee is not authorized to modify or delete the font name or any other identifying information in the files contained in it.
The license user is not authorized to change the font in any way (except for the case specified in paragraph 5.2). Without the permission of the author, it is expressly forbidden to change the proportions or shape of the font, as well as individual glyphs, even for display use or use in a logotype, etc. The licensee may, however, change the spacing when using the font by a maximum of 25 points and change the width of the letters when using the font by a maximum of 5%. It is forbidden to tilt or skew the font in any other way.
6 → Updating font(s)
The user is entitled to a free update of the fonts to any newer versions that the author releases in the future. New versions may have extended language support, improved kerning and spacing, OpenType functions, may remove errors or inconsistencies in the letter-shapes of previous versions, etc.
Updated fonts may have different metrics and thus the type setting may change from the previous version of the font. In existing documents, we therefore recommend using updated versions judiciously and always backing up the original fonts just to be safe.
7 → Warranty and liability
The author makes no warranty to the user representing the performance, result or marketability resulting from the use of the font.
The author shall not be liable to the licensee or any other third party for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business profit, business interruption, loss of business information, etc.) arising from the use or manipulation of the font.
In the event that the user violates this license agreement in a serious way and this violation results in not insignificant damage to the author, a claim for compensation and reimbursement of such damage may be asserted against the user.
8 → Expiration of the license
In the event that the user has violated any condition of this license agreement, the author has the right to immediately terminate the validity of the license. This does not affect the claim for damages arising from a breach of the license agreement.
In the event of termination of the license according to the previous paragraph, the user shall either return the font and all associated components (media, copies and associated parts) to the licensor without delay, or destroy (delete) them and thereby cease their further use.
The user cannot terminate the validity of the license except by agreement with the author. The user is not entitled to any financial compensation in the event of abandoning the use of the font, unless the parties agree otherwise.
9 → General provisions
This license agreement for the use of the font is governed by the laws of the Czech Republic, the relevant legal regulations of the European Union and international agreements governing the area of copyright. By installing and/or using the font, the user confirms that he has read and understood all the provisions of this license agreement and that he agrees to the obligations and conditions of this agreement.